
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Shan Interviews Shan - Just for you.

So, you claim to be a teenager, correct?
Well, yes. I do. In fact, I am a teenager. To be more specific, I am seventeen.

I see that you post a lot about topics that don't seem very teenager-like.
I guess you could say that. I suppose I have posted about more adult topics on occasion, if you would like to classify them as such. I've been told I'm more mature than others my age since I was young - okay, now I sound old - since I was a little kid, like 7 years old. I have posted about my philosophy on blogging (if you didn't see it, see my first post here), my hatred of chatspeak, my college classes, photography, writing, drawing, design, books, and, in a roundabout way, my faith.

Your faith?
I am a Christian, and proud. Quite a bit of my writing, photography, etc. reflect that, although very little of it bluntly says it.

You mentioned college classes, but you said you were seventeen. Shouldn't you be in high school?
Yes, yes, and yes. I am seventeen, and yes I am technically in high school. No, I am not taking dual credit high school courses. I am currently working on my second year of my associate's degree in math and science. My college classes not only count towards my degree, but cover all of the requirements necessary to graduate high school, and I mean all of them. Trust me, it's not easy, but it's worth it.

Aren't teenagers supposed to be disrespectful, eternally bored, skip school, listen to loud music, and go to wild parties?
You would be surprised. Disrespectful, well, not always. Every once in a while, I snap at my mom, but I generally apologize and do something nice for her within a few minutes. It really doesn't happen as often as you would think. I know plenty of very respectful teenagers, some of whom you wouldn't expect it from by looking at them.

School skipping is seriously just a stereotype. You are always going to have a few teens who skip school, but in reality, you are always going to have a few adults who call in sick to work when really they're perfectly healthy. We're fairly normal human beings.

Alright, I can't deny the loud music. Mine isn't as loud as most, maybe, but that's just because I don't want to lose my hearing at thirty. We listen to music pretty loudly, and if it's our favorite song, you'll see us reach to turn up the volume. That one's pretty accurate, although not everyone listens to screaming, hard rock, rapping music. We range all the way from classical, to country, to anything else you can imagine. We're pretty open with our music as a general rule.

Wild parties. Oh my. Some teenagers might, but as for me and the majority of my friends, I would much rather stay home and stay up all night watching movies, drinking nothing harder than caffeine, and playing goofy games like "Chubby Bunny."

Oh so you don't know? Well, you just go around the circle and put one marshmallow in your mouth at a time, and try to say "Chubby Bunny" without chewing or spitting out the marshmallows. Last one to lose the mallows wins.

Well, you don't sound like a teenager.
Wait, I haven't posted anything from my teenager-side, have I? Woops, sorry 'bout that. My bad. Would you like me to fix this?

Psh, yes. If you don't, people are going to stop believing you.
Alright, alright. I'll toss some angst up in a post later.

You better.

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