
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Gasp! Shan is trying to draw!

Yes, that's right. I am trying to teach myself to draw. Be afraid; be very afraid. What am I trying to learn to draw? Well, roses. Yes, you read that right. Roses.

First Try drawing a rose...
Second try... Sorry the picture is dark.
Third try... Finished earlier today.
They aren't great, but hey. I don't draw a lot (although I'm working on fixing that). As always, constructive criticism is welcome, as well as pointers and opinions. (Which rose is your favorite and why?) I apologize for the significant lack of text in this post. Maybe one day I'll make it up to you?

Abbozzo - preliminary sketch

You should also visit the Phrontisery when you're finished here. It's a simply delightful site.

-scribble, sketch, shade-


  1. I like the attempt to learn to draw more than anything. As you must know, I'm doing the same thing. I like most of the shading in #1, but I think the center piece might be a little tall. It's great that you're trying, though.

  2. Thanks for the advice! I thought the center was a bit tall in that one too. Are you going to post pictures of your drawing attempts?
