
Friday, October 7, 2011

Dynamic Views

Sleep: that happens?

I decided to play around with the new template, Dynamic Views, a little bit. At first glance, I had a moment of "What even is this?" Upon further scrolling, I decided it was interesting. It was sleek, modern, and very snippet-oriented on every mode except for the classic. I guess that's fine, since that's pretty much what people want - small blobs of information or pictures here and there. I can't help but wonder though, as I look at it, where did my blog go?

Now, maybe it's just me, but I like my quilt background. I'm kind of attached to it, be that a good or bad thing. This thing was white. Not just part of it - the whole thing. Now, once I played around with the design editor a little more, I discovered that you can, in fact use a background on the very top bar, which looks nice, but doesn't quite work with my background. (The crossword background, however, looks pretty spiffy like this.)

It's sleek, modern, and pretty, but it doesn't look like a blog. Maybe that's the point. It doesn't look like a blog. Maybe it isn't supposed to. If you're going for that, it makes sense. Personally, I'm fine with my rough-around-the-edges blog the way it is, but if that's the look you're going for, it's a sleek, modern, and easily navigable template.

All in all? It's a nice addition. It has all sorts of fun features. You could use it for just about anything, from a portfolio-style site to an online magazine. I tip my hat to you, blogger. I like this idea, even if I won't be using it on this blog.

I'm sure there are other cool things you can do with it, but I didn't take the time to find all the quirks of it. I finally started to feel a little tired - and I'm taking that chance to go to bed. And with that, good night.

I keep forgetting to sign these,


Why on earth, you might be wondering, am I sitting in my room, at 12:30 a.m. writing a blog post? Well, I can't sleep. Have you ever had the feeling, as you're lying there, trying to sleep, and your mind just won't slow down? I've had more than plenty nights recently where I have that trouble. After spending an hour rolling from side to side, finding a comfortable spot, and trying to relax, I gave up on the idea of sleep and got up.

I wasn't quite sure what to do, as I can't turn on a light, because my roommate is asleep, so studying wasn't an option - and so here I am, writing you all a blog post at this ridiculous hour. It's almost funny, when I think about it. I was tired at 7:00 p.m. today. I could have gone to bed then, and I wouldn't have had this problem.

Like I said before, this has happened with irritating frequency lately. My mind just isn't slowing down when I'm tired. To be honest, I don't think it's slowing down even when I do get to sleep anymore. I've been dreaming a lot more often lately. Whereas I used to rarely dream of a theme repeatedly unless it was in a recurring dream, lately I've been having different dreams with shared themes, which is quite abnormal for me.

What's even weirder is the level of detail I'm able to recall from the dreams, and how realistic they are.I mean, the ability to recall dreams like this is just... strange. Not to say that I haven't recalled strange dreams in great detail before, I just haven't recalled this many related dreams in this level of detail in such a short period of time before. It's just weird.

Are dreams supposed to tell you something? When I'm dreaming about a very specific thing over and over for weeks on end, it makes me wonder.

Either way, I suppose I'll try to sleep again at some point. If that fails, there's a good chance you'll see another post at silly hours of the morning today - or is it tonight?

Tossing and turning,